Sunday, January 20, 2008

Wreck this journal;

So, I've been slacking lately since classes started, I know. But anyways, one of the coolest things I have foung on the internerds recently has probably been Keri Smith's "Wreck this Journal." The basic idea behind it is to create a journal that you do anything but write seriously in it. She has instructions or suggestions everyday as to what to do with your journal everyday. The idea is going off of the concept that a lot of people attempt to keep journals but they fail, forget about them, don't write, or most of there entries become boring or really negative; Keri views her idea as a way of "freeing yourself" almost, inspiring, or boosting your creativity. Really, it just looks like plain fun as well. On her website she describes it as this

"the point of this project is not to make a pretty picture/image. though sometimes this will happen without you planning it. while there are absolutely no rules to this, what i’m suggesting is that you enter into every page as an experiment of sorts. To participate in an experiment means that you have no idea what will happen in the process. Empty you head of all thoughts of a final product. Think only of the material you have in your hand. Try different textures. Pretend you have never seen your journal before. Pretend you have no idea how a book works. Try pushing the idea of what a book is."


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