It was one of those ideas that came down in a funneling flood of light and entered my head to a chorus of angelic voices: Silicon ice trays. Silicon muffin pans. Wait a minute—I bet I can bake things in silicon ice trays!
‘Twas a grand experiment, and after pulling hair out of my head with my doughy fingers and amputating many a droid, whole robots began to emerge out of the Artificial Intelligence Ice Cube Tray I’d re-purposed.
Next time around, I’ll use ice trays with fewer small parts, such as the Squirming With Delight Ice Cube Tray or Fishing for Cube-liments Tray, and settle on a cookie that doesn’t involve chunky parts. But in the end, my non-store-’bot’, orange-chocolate chip cookie robots emerged successfully, ready to be devoured!
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